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Product Communication Flow

Sami - The Product Manager

Sami is a product manager. She’s not a developer, but she’s responsible for delivering new software. She has 7 stakeholders from sales to engineering. Each of her stakeholders has multiple priorities that generally don’t align and shift from quarter to quarter. She has to establish alignment, communicate decisions, coordinate projected timelines, and deliver new products.

Information Overload - The Problem

Sami has information overload, and Sami is not alone. We interviewed dozens of product managers. Every single one stated they spent multiple hours every week revisiting decisions and briefing stakeholders on the history of those decisions. They stated that this is so time consuming because the history of the decision is rarely available. If the CSO asks why some new feature will not be delivered, getting the answer involves wading though email, spreadsheets, ticketing systems, and meeting minutes.

Laminar - The Solution

We’re building a product to smooth the product communication and decision process. We're creating a tool to capture the information relevant to decisions, to find and revisit that information for more productive discussions.